The edge of random

Editing files remotely using SSH and rsync

Today I had a scenario where I needed to make a Go program for my Raspberry Pi. As I want all my usual vim setup, I wanted to be able to do this from my main computer, and then somehow transfer the files to the Raspberry Pi (so that I am able to run it on the Raspberry Pi). Of course I did not want to do transfer the files manually, so I needed to find some way of doing it automatically.
The first thing I found, was that it could be done using:

vim scp://<username>@<ip>//absolute/path/to/file

Which worked great!.. Except that I use vim-go for my vim installation, which has a bug where it will just delete all the content when you save the file, if you work on .go files. This is a known issue and has been open since 2015 (Github Issue), and there is currently no hope if it getting fixed anytime soon.

So instead I created this very simple script, which will monitor a directory of your choosing. Then each time you change a file, delete something etc. it will fire the rsync to keep your files synced. This way vim-go works perfectly and does not delete the content of the file!


if [ ! -d "$DIR" ]; then
    echo "Usage: ./sync <folder-to-sync>"
    echo "Directory \"$DIR\" does not exists"


echo "Syncing folder"

echo $DIR

sync_folder() {
    rsync -avz --delete $DIR pi@

# initial sync

# keep pooling for data
while inotifywait -r -e modify,create,delete $DIR; do


Remember to add your ssh-key to your host, so you do not need to enter your password for each prompt.

Also, if you call the script using ./ target/ it will take the content INSIDE the folder without including the parent folder. So to avoid this behaviour use ./ target instead.